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Plain Words - the Documentation and Training People

Plain Words - the Documentation and Training People

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Get a great bid team

If you are looking for a bid writer or bid manager on either a contract or permanent basis, look no further. We understand the pressure that bid teams work under and the specialist skills they need.

We specialise in providing consultancy, training and recruitment services to bid teams. We understand your role because our consultants are bid writers and bid managers. With over 2,500 bid managers and writing professionals we have the largest database of this kind in the country.

Our in-depth knowledge and experience ensures that we understand your requirements for a role and know how to find the right candidate.

bidworker offers a complete and efficient recruitment service you can trust. A service that makes finding talented bid staff easy.

What’s more, you don’t pay a penny until we’ve found you the perfect candidate – no placement, no fee.

To discover more about the way we work with you, call us now on tel 01235 60 30 22 or request an information pack from

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The Documentation &
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